Miracles and Blessings in Nepal
Sister Linda giving her testimony at the outreach in Gorkha
Pastor Brad Smith has reported on the blessings and miracles experienced on a visit to Nepal in October 2017.The first days were spent in David Kirkwood's house presenting basic officer training to the leaders, including solid Bible principles relating to leadership and the attitudes God requires, the basics of salvation and the use of the spiritual gifts.
Translations into Nepalese were effectively shared by three of the brethren, and during that time a new member's wife was converted from Hinduism, filled with the Holy Spirit and baptised. Another brother who lives eight hours away was healed from his deafness as he sat listening to God's promises. Before the officers' meeting a very sick lady walked for nine hours up mountainous terrain, before catching a bus for several hours, so that she could meet us and hear about the Lord. She was filled with the Holy Spirit and quickly recovered from her very serious illness.
The first outreach was close to David's house and resulted in fourteen visitors and many healings as testimonies were shared. From there they travelled six hours on dangerous roads to Sauraha in the Chitwan National Park, then on to outreach in Kawasaki where several hearings took place, and they were invited to come to a local church and talk about how to receive the Holy Spirit. Five were spirit-filled and it was apparent the Lord was working in a remarkable way.
The next day in Bharatpur eleven people received the Holy Spirit and there were more blessings and healings. The eventful ten hour drive to Nepalgunj, a very poor area bordering India where many live in mud huts and clean drinking water is scarce, revealed an unlimited potential for revival. Over seventy people attended the two meetings, with thirty two receiving the Holy Spirit and more healings than they could count. The brethren returned to KTM via a rugged and mountainous road to the scenic city of Pokhara, and after a rest day travelled to Gorkha for two outreach meetings where again there were numerous healings and twelve people spirit-filled.
Practical support is required from the Mission Fund to fund baptism tanks due to water quality and the need for privacy from anti Christians, two flights to support the assembly in Nepalguni funded each year, and a new motorbike for Pastor Resham.