Recent revival in Kiribati


In April 2016, a small group of Australians led by Pastor Tim Rogers (Wollongong) went to Kiribati to preach the gospel.

Pastor Tim reports that to date, 148 people have been baptised by full immersion and 160 have been filled with the Holy Spirit, with the evidence of speaking in tongues.

Currently there is a small group meeting on Sundays with about 20 people taking communion. The work in Kiribati is still in very early stages, but shows some promising signs of growth with the Lord working with us confirming the word with signs following Mark 16 v 20.

Two of the local senior brothers leading the work have been sponsored to attend the upcoming Fiji rally to help increase their vision and commitment to the work of the Lord.

The Wollongong Revival Fellowship has so been able to fund the fledgling fellowship in Kiribati, so we look forward to hearing more news on how the Lord continues to work to establish our new brothers and sisters there.

PacificWebb & Flow